AIMS of the European Consortium on Central
Hypoventilation Syndromes
The main aim of the European Network for CCHS patients and
families is to give information about this rare disease and to
allow clinicians and families to reach their hospital and their
laboratory for diagnosis and treatment.
Important differences exist for CHS across Europe,
Access to information which is not available in the
corresponding language for most countries,
Access to high-quality functional and genetic diagnosis,
Availability of CHS specialists (some centres may follow up a
single patient ; clinicians
may have difficulties in answering questions to patients and
families without using medical jargon),
Availability of home ventilation services (in some countries,
patients may wait months in pediatric intensive care unit before
home ventilation comes to be available),
Availability of social and home care services (families may be
assisted by a nurse 24/24 at home or on the contrary, left on their
own, depending on the country),
Patient outcomes and quality of life have not been fully
The network will create a database for European patients
allowing detailed information about the disease and about clinical
characteristics of European CHS population The value generated by
the register will be description of demographics and outcomes of
CHS across Europe, description of subpopulations of CHS.
European standards and guidelines for diagnosis and treatment
of CHS will be determined. As CHS is a very rare disease, a few
studies are available. The formal expert panel consensus method
will be used to determine standards and guidelines. The work will
rely on literature review, on evidence-based knowledge on CHS and
on expert experience. Three mains topics will be developed :
State of the art for the diagnosis and treatment in children
and adults
Treatment recommendations
Guidelines for follow-up of patients
A Website is available and will become more and more useful
during the months with the support of the visitors, with their
comments and suggestions. It will be a multi-lingual website and
will be developed for dissemination of European standards and
guidelines for management.
A system of quality will define the standards of care for CHS
patients identifying the needs for the so called centre of
reference. Quality standards required for being a CHS centre will
be determined, as well as schemes for internal and external quality
assessment of CHS centres and home health care services.
Standards of home care will be defined too, indicating what
territorial structures will have to offer to home cared patients
(equipment, assistance, founding, etc.)