Yes, because CCHS involves the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which controls automatic functions such as breathing, circulation, heart rhythm, activity of the gut, body temperature and sweating. So problems can be expected in the gut, heart, and the eyes. And also certain tumors can occur more frequently.
What are the most common gut disorders?
most common gut disorders are Hirschsprung's disease,
gastroesophageal reflux disease and other motility disorders like
diarrhoea without infection or swallowing problems.
What is Hirschsprung's
Hirschsprung's disease, also called congenital
aganglionic megacolon is caused by defective bowel nerves, The
length of the affected bowel varies.
What is Gastro-oesophageal Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in
children with CCHS is due to incompetence of the lower oesophageal
sphincter, a ring-like muscle that tightens to prevent the passage
of the stomach's contents back up into the gullet (oesophagus). If
the barrier between oesophagus and stomach is not competent,
gastric acid and other stomach contents reflux (flow backwards).
This allows acid to inflamme the oesophagus and the larynx (vocal
cords) and even allow aspiration of food into the lungs.
Symptoms are variable, including repeated vomiting or respiratory
symptoms like coughing. Affected individuals may also feel pain
including heartburn or be irritable. Treatment is medication that
reduces acid production and if this is ineffective, surgical
intervention is possible.
What are Motility disorders?
Some of the
children with CCHS suffer from motility disorders in absence of
Hirschsprungs disease. Usually the food is moved through the
digestive tract by rhythmic contractions (peristalsis).
In the presence of motility disorders these contractions don't
occur in a coordinated fashion. Symptoms could be e.g. difficulty
swallowing, vomiting, nausea, constipation and diarrhoea. Most of
these symptoms could be treated by medication, special food and
training. But in some cases, e.g. if the child isn't able to
swallow it is necessary to use a feeding tube for a while. Most of
the children will learn to swallow when they get older.